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We're serving up something new

On the Menu Series kicks off next week with Savage Goods

Our Young Leaders Society members are more than just members to us. For our United Way, we believe that our members are truly the future of this community. With that said, we're in the mindset of creating opportunities and events that allow our members to grow professionally and personally.

Last year, we launched the widely successful Wine & Wisdom series. The event features community leaders who speak to the hearts of our members to give them the motivation they need to develop as strong community-minded individuals. So far, we've had WestStar CEO and Chairman Rick Francis; the Medical Center for the Americas President Emma Schwartz; and Vice President in Charge and Senior Economist Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, El Paso Branch, Roberto Coronado. These are remarkable and established individuals who are confidently making a mark on our growing city.

To add variety to the mix of people our members connect with, we've recently announced our lunch and learn series, On the Menu. This series will feature individuals making their mark in the city at a smaller scale but with just as much fervor and drive to make El Paso a better place.

The first part of the series features El Paso implants, Tyler and Michelle Savage of Savage Goods Bakery. These two individuals, along with family member Mariah, launched what is currently El Paso's second most successful Kickstarter to help open their brick and mortar bakery.

Their story is truly inspiring and we're excited to share the details of it with young professionals interested in entrepreneurship, business and everything in between. Along with their story, they'll be sharing tips and tricks to ensure those embarking on crowd funding are successful as well.

We've been cooking this new event with our members in mind and can't wait to kick it off next week on June 13. We look forward to hosting this new series and see our membership grow and learn. For details or to RSVP hit the link below.

On the Menu

Kickstarting a Kickstarter

Wed., June 13 at 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

United Way of El Paso County

100 N. Stanton, Suite 500

Cost: $10 (includes Savage Goods lunch)

© 2022 United Way of El Paso County.

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